The default Wemo Wi-Fi name. The Wemo 3-Way Light Switch's Wi-Fi name is Wemo.LS3W.xxx (where xxx are the last three characters of the serial number). If you are setting up multiple Light Switches, identify each Wemo 3-Way Light Switch through its Wemo ID or Wemo name at the bottom of the switch.
The Apple® HomeKit™ code. It is located either in the Quick Start guide, at the back of the Light Switch or at the front of the Light Switch (remove the faceplate in order to see the sticker).
- An installed Wemo 3-Way Light Switch. For hardware installation tips, click here.
- An iOS device
The latest Wemo App available on the App Store®
The Wemo 3-Way Light Switch is not designed to work with metal faceplate as this can interfere with Wi-Fi signal.
The Wemo 3-Way Light Switch cannot replace a 4-way switch.
If you are setting up two Wemo 3-Way Light Switches on the same circuit to manage the same light, click here.
Once the requirements above are complete, proceed with the setup instructions below.
Step 2: Launch the

Step 3: Tap on Add a Wemo.

Step 6: Make sure your mobile device is connected to your home Wi-Fi and have your Apple HomeKit code ready, then tap Continue With Setup.

Step 9: Once your Wemo 3-Way Light Switch is detected, tap on Set Up.
If more than one Wemo 3-Way Light Switch is detected, select one to set up at a time.
If your Wemo 3-Way Light Switch is not detected, you may need to reset your device. For instructions, click here.

NOTE: Your Apple HomeKit code is located either in the Quick Start guide or remove the faceplate to expose the Apple HomeKit code sticker to enter the code manually.

It's Blinking – Your Wemo didn't join your home Wi-Fi.
It's Solid or It's Off – Your Wemo joined your home Wi-Fi, but did not connect to the Apple Home app.

b. No, this is the only Wemo Light Switch on this circuit - if this is the only Wemo 3-Way Light Switch you are installing, or you have another Wemo 3-Way Light Switch, but it’s NOT installed on the same circuit.

If you have another Wemo 3-Way Light Switch to set up, begin the process again by adding a Wemo or go back to Step 1.
If you have grouped two Wemo 3-Way Light Switches and one became the secondary switch, they will both act as one and only the primary switch will appear in the Device list.