Before you begin setting up the Wemo® WiFi Smart 3-Way Light Switch, WLS0403 with the Wemo App, make sure you have the following:
- The default Wemo Wi-Fi name. The Wemo 3-Way Light Switch's Wi-Fi name is (where xxx are the last three characters of the serial number).
NOTE: You can locate the last three characters of the serial number at the bottom of the Light Switch. This will also help you identify one Wemo 3-Way Light Switch from the other (if you are setting up multiple Light Switches).
- A Wemo 3-Way Light Switch that is already installed to your electrical line and is functioning. For hardware installation tips, click here.
- An Android™ device
- The latest Wemo App available on the Google Play™
- The Wemo 3-Way Light Switch is not designed to work with metal faceplates as these can interfere with the Wi-Fi signal.
- The Wemo 3-Way Light Switch cannot replace a 4-way light switch.
- If you are installing two Wemo 3-Way Light Switches on the same circuit to manage the same light, click here to learn more.
Once the above requirements are ready, you can proceed with the setup.
Step 1: Make sure the Wemo 3-Way Light Switch’s indicator light is blinking blue (setup mode).
Step 2: Launch the
Wemo App then tap on Add a Wemo.
NOTE: You can also go to the More section by tapping the gear
icon then tapping on Add a Wemo.
Step 3: Select Wemo Light Switch.
Step 4: Once prompted, select Wemo Light Switch 3-Way.
Step 5: Tap Yes, It’s Installed.
Step 6: Check the indicator light on your Wemo 3-Way Light Switch. If it is blinking blue, tap the It’s Blinking Blue button on the Wemo App.
NOTE: Tap on It’s not blinking blue and follow the on-screen instructions if the indicator light is not blinking blue.
Step 7: Tap on Open Wi-Fi Settings.
Step 8: Connect to your Wemo 3-Way Light Switch’s Wi-Fi name, and then go back to the Wemo App. In the example below, Wemo.LS3W.065 is the Wi-Fi name used.
QUICK TIP: The last three digits of the Wemo Wi-Fi name are the last three characters of its serial number.
Step 9: Is there another Wemo Light Switch on this circuit?
a. Select Yes, there is another Wemo Light Switch on this circuit if you have another Wemo 3-Way Light Switch that you have installed on the same circuit.
b. Select No, this is the only Wemo Light Switch on this circuit if this is the only Wemo 3-Way Light Switch, or you have another Wemo 3-Way Light Switch, but it’s not installed on the same circuit.
Step 10: Give your Wemo device a name then tap NEXT at the bottom.
Step 11: If prompted, enter your email address then tap NEXT.
Step 12: Select and connect to your home Wi-Fi.
Step 13: Enter your Wi-Fi Password then tap Save.
Step 14: Wait for the Wemo App to connect and appear in the Devices section.
You should now have completed the setup.
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