Tips on how to use the Belkin Stage™ app using an iPad®

The Belkin Stage™ app combines the convenience of a document camera with the power of an interactive whiteboard.  Use your iPad® to sketch over live video of objects, student work, and other projects in real-time.  With options like storing labels and wireless connection to a projector via Airplay®, the Belkin Stage™ app makes lessons fully interactive, collaborative, and engaging.
This article will provide you tips on how to use the Belkin Stage™ app.

Create an Album
Prepare Screenshot
Prepare Labels Ahead of Time
Recording Pause Feature
Change Recording Settings


Create an Album

It is recommended to create an album in your Photo Library to easily access the images that you plan to use in your presentation.

Step 1:
On your iPad, tap Photos and select Albums.

QUICK TIP:  All pictures taken using the Camera app are stored on the Camera Roll album.

Step 2:
Tap the + icon.

Step 3:
A New Album window will appear.  Enter your preferred album name and tap the Save button.

Step 4:
Tap Done.

A new album is now created in your iPad's Photo Library.

Prepare Screenshot

There are two ways to prepare images to use as a background on Belkin Stage™ app: using the iPad® and using the Belkin Stage™ app.  To know how, click here.

Prepare Labels Ahead of Time

The plus (+) icon in the label tray allows you to add labels and edit them for later use.  These can then be dragged into place when needed for your presentation.

Step 1:
Tap the User-added image app.

Step 2:

Tap User-added image to add Labels.

Step 3:

Choose a design under My Labels.

Step 4:
Rename the label and tap Done.


Recording Pause Feature

The recording pause feature is useful when annotating and changing backgrounds.  This does not only reduce the length of the video, but it also allows you to produce perfect content before you resume recording.


Change Recording Settings

If you want to modify your record settings, tap on the navigation Menu icon and select Video Settings.  You can change the recording quality by selecting LowMedium, or High from the menu.  If you want the recording to have an audio, make sure the toggle button is slid to the ON position.  Otherwise, tap the button to switch to OFF.

Related Article:

Belkin Tablet Stage™ Frequently Asked Questions

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