Changing the default My Home location name with the Apple Home app

By default, your location name is called My Home.  Using the Apple® Home app, you can change the name to better identify your network location, especially if you have more than one network.  Follow the steps below to do this.
NOTE:  These steps are also applicable for the Wemo® Mini.
Step 1:  Launch the Apple Home app.

Step 2:  Tap the location icon on the upper left corner of the Home tab.

NOTE:  If you have multiple homes, tapping the location icon will prompt you to select a home.  Tap on Home Settings and select your preferred location.  If you only have one network location in your Apple Home app, tapping the icon will direct you to the location details.
Step 3:  On the location details, tap the NAME field to edit.

Step 4:  Tap Done to save the changes made.
You have successfully changed your location name in the Apple Home app.

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