If you would encounter an issue on your Samsung device's AllShareCast that is not working with the Miracast Video Adapter, it is because older versions of AllShareCast are not compatible with the video adapter. test
To resolve this, you can check the Google Play store to make sure that you are using the most current version. If not, update the AllShareCast app on your device. Follow the steps below to know how:
Step 1:
Open the Play Store app.
Step 2:
Tap the Menu button on your phone and select My apps.
Step 3:
Select AllShareCast Dongle S/W Update from the list of Updates.
IMPORTANT: If AllShareCast is NOT in the Updates list, then the version you have on your phone is the most up to date.
Step 4:
Tap the UPDATE button.
Step 5:
A progress bar will indicate the status of the update.
When the update is completed, the UNINSTALL button will appear. You can now use your updated AllShareCast in your Samsung device with the Miracast Video Adapter.
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