If you believe you have created a Wemo account, but are having trouble logging in, here are some things you might try.
- Check that you entered the correct email address and password.
- Tap Forgot Password to start the password reset process.
- If you did not receive an email with a password reset link, it’s likely you don’t have an account.
I thought I had given you my email when I started using the app
You might have started using the Wemo app before we launched Wemo accounts (app version 1.25 on May 26, 2020). When you provided us an email address then, we used it to send you product-related messages, but there was no password connected to it.
Please create an account and add a password to your Wemo home to improve security and protect your Wemo devices from unauthorized users.
Related Articles:
What is a Wemo account
How to create a Wemo account
How to confirm and activate a new Wemo account