If you are logged out of your account and have forgotten your password, click here for help on resetting it.
NOTE: Steps and images may vary depending on your device's operating system. In the examples below, an iOS device is used.
Step 1: Launch the Wemo App and log in to your account. For instructions, click here.
Step 2: Tap on More.
NOTE: If you are using an Android™ device, tap on the gear icon located at the upper-left corner of the Wemo App.
Step 2: Tap on More.
NOTE: If you are using an Android™ device, tap on the gear icon located at the upper-left corner of the Wemo App.
Step 3: Under My Account, tap on the account that's currently logged in.
Step 4: Tap on Password.
Step 5: Enter your existing Wemo Account password and tap Next to continue.
NOTE: If you have forgotten your password, tap Forgot Password to have a password reset email sent to you.
Step 6: Enter a new password. The password must be at least 10 characters in length. Tap Save when you are ready.
Once your new password is saved, you will be taken back to the Account Settings page and presented with a confirmation message.
You have now changed your Wemo Account password.