How to connect your Wemo Light Switches (WLS0403 and WLS040) to the Apple Home app

The Wemo® WiFi Smart 3-Way Light Switch, WLS0403 and the Wemo Light Switch, WLS040 are alternatives to your simple wall light that allow you to view the status and control the lights anywhere in your home.  

This article provides other methods of connecting your Wemo Light Switch to the Apple® Home app for the following scenarios:

  1.  You have set up your Wemo Light Switch with the Wemo App but:
    • The Wemo Light Switch does not appear in the Apple Home app.
    • The device shows Not Connected in the Apple Home app section of the Wemo App.
  2.  You haven’t set up the Wemo Light Switch and would like to use the Apple Home app instead.

Before you begin:
  • Have your HomeKit™ code written down (remove the faceplate to expose the HomeKit code sticker)
  • Your iOS device must be connected to your home Wi-Fi
  • Make sure to have the following:
    • iOS 11.3 or higher
    • Latest Wemo App
    • Latest Apple Home app

NOTE:  If you will be using the Apple Home app to manage your Wemo Light Switch, the Wemo App is still necessary in order to receive new firmware updates.

Connecting the Wemo Light Switch with the Wemo App
Step 1:  Launch the User-added image App.

Step 2:  Tap the More tab. 

Step 3:  Tap Connect To Our Smart Home Partners.

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Step 4:  Tap on Apple Home app.
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NOTE:  If a pop-up message appears saying Wemo Would Like to Access Your Home Data, select OK.

Step 5:  Tap on Get Started.
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Step 6:  Tap the Connect button beside the Wemo Light Switch that you want to connect to the Apple Home app.
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Step 7:  Tap Continue.  
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Step 8:  You can personalize your newly connected Wemo Light Switch's name, Room, and Type, among others.  When you're finished, tap Done.
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Your Wemo Light Switch will now be listed under the Connected section.

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Just repeat the steps to connect additional Wemo Light Switches that are showing under the Not Connected section.

You have now successfully connected your Wemo Light Switch to the Apple Home app.

Adding an accessory using the Apple Home app
Step 1:  Open the Apple Home User-added imageapp and tap Get Started.
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Step 2:  Tap Add Accessory.
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Step 3:  Use the camera to scan the code located on your Wemo Light Switch.  
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QUICK TIP:  You can also enter the code manually by tapping on the Don't Have a Code or Can't Scan? option and following the steps to enter the HomeKit code.
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Step 4:  Wait for the Wemo Light Switch to be connected and added to the Apple Home app.
Step 5:  You can personalize your newly connected Wemo Light Switch’s name, Room and Type.  When you're finished, tap Done.

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Your Wemo Light Switch is now connected to your Apple Home app.  You can also open the Wemo App and it’s ready to use. 

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