Customizing your device in the Apple Home app
Step 2: Locate the device you wish to customize then tap and hold on the device tile to bring up its control menu.

Step 3: Tap on the gear icon in the lower right corner to find the device settings screen.

Step 4: You can now edit the settings of your device. Tap on the x icon in the upper right corner when finished.

Item | Description |
Device name | This is the display name that you have given to the device to help differentiate it from other devices in your Home app. |
Room selection | Rooms are used to group devices in your Home app. A device can belong to a single Room at a time. |
Display As | This is used to determine how the tile for your device will appear in the HomeKit® app. It does not have any bearing on functionality. |
Include in Favorites | Marking a device as a favorite will allow it to show on the Home screen of your Home app for quicker access. It will not impact the Room it belongs to. |
Suggested Scenes | Scenes are like automations but can control multiple devices at a same time. A device can belong to multiple scenes. |