Setting up your TuneBase™ AUX with Hands-Free

This article will provide you with instructions on how to set up your TuneBase™ AUX with Hands-Free.
  1. Plug in your TuneBase
  2. Dock your device
  3. Remove your device from your TuneBase
NOTE:  In this article, iPod® touch is used as an example.
Plug in your TuneBase

Step 1:
Insert your TuneBase into the power outlet in your car.

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IMPORTANT:  Do not rotate the TuneBase in the power outlet.  If you experience resistance, unplug the TuneBase and reinsert it in the desired position.  Failure to do so may damage the cigarette lighter adapter or power outlet.
Step 2:
Rotate the Tunebase to test the tightness of fit in the power outlet to make sure that it would not rotate or move on its own.
NOTE:  If the TuneBase is too loose or too tight in the power outlet, click here for troubleshooting instructions.
Dock your device

Step 1:
Push the button on the springboard and slide it to its maximum height.

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Step 2:
Connect your iPod® touch or iPhone® to the TuneBase dock connector and make sure it is fully seated.

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Step 3:
Push back the front of the iPod until its back touches the front of the springboard.

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Step 4:
Push the top of the springboard down until it holds your iPod securely in place.

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NOTE:  After you have adjusted the height of the springboard, there is no need to adjust the TuneBase to insert and remove your iPod.
Step 5:
Connect the audio cable to the headphone jack on your iPod.

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Step 6:
Bend the flexible neck to position your iPod.

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IMPORTANT:  Do not remove the TuneBase from the cigarette lighter adapter when an iPod is in the cradle.
Remove your device from your TuneBase

Step 1:
Disconnect the audio cable from your iPod.

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Step 2:
Push the front of the springboard back and tilt your iPod forward until it clears the lip of the springboard.

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Step 3:
Lift your iPod out of the cradle.
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You can now dock your device on your TuneBase.  For instructions, click here.

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