How to dock your device after initially setting up your TuneBase™ AUX with Hands-Free

After you have adjusted the TuneBase™ AUX with Hands-Free to fit your iPod® touch or iPhone®, you can insert and remove your device without doing further adjustment.  This article will guide you on how to dock your device after setting up you TuneBase.
NOTE:  If you haven’t set up your TuneBase™ AUX yet, click here for instructions.

Step 1:
Seat your iPod on the dock connector.

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Step 2:
Push the face of your iPod touch or iPhone so that it snaps into place under the lip of the springboard.

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Step 3:
Connect the audio cable from your TuneBase to your device.
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Power behavior
Your iPod or iPhone will automatically pause the music being played when you remove it from the TuneBase.  Your TuneBase will automatically turn ON when your iPod is connected and power is available.  It turns OFF when you remove the device or power becomes unavailable.  In some cases, the iPhone or iPod will remain ON and playing if docked in the TuneBase even if it isn’t connected to a power source.  Be sure to undock your device completely to avoid draining the battery when not in use.  You only need to adjust the height of the springboard when you are using a different device or different case.

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