How to use the Stage App videos in iBooks® Author

To use the Stage App videos in iBooks® Author, it must be converted to .m4v format first.  To convert a video file, follow the steps below:

Step 1:
Open the file in QuickTime 10.1 or later.

Step 2:
Click File then select the Export… option.


Step 3:
To create up to a 720p movie, select iPad, iPhone 4 & Apple TV.




If you want to create up to a 420p movie, select iPod touch & iPhone 3GS instead.

User-added image

QUICK TIP:  For the best quality, select the 720p iPad, iPhone 4 & Apple TV option.  However, if you're concerned about the file size or if you want better performance, use 420p iPod touch & iPhone 3GS instead.

Step 4:
Click User-added image.

You should have successfully converted a Stage App video for the iBooks® Author now.

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