Using the Belkin AUZ002 with the Belkin SOUNDFORM™ app

The Belkin SOUNDFORM™ app allows you to control the volume level and basic pause/play control of the audio being played using the Belkin SOUNDFORM™ CONNECT Audio Adapter with AirPlay 2, AUZ002.  It can also perform firmware updates and factory restore on (or for) the device.

NOTE:  This app cannot be used to set up the Belkin AUZ002.

Starting Up
Devices List
Adapter Currently Playing Information
Adapter Settings Menu

Starting Up

The Belkin SOUNDFORM app on your smartphone or tablet and the adapter must be connected to the same WiFi.  If the adapter is not connected to the WiFi, you will receive an error screen.
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If the adapter is connected to the WiFi but the Belkin SOUNDFORM app cannot locate the adapter, you will be prompted to check the adapter's connection or tap the Add Device button.

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If the Belkin SOUNDFORM app successfully locates one or more devices, it will display the number of devices on the screen and take you to the Devices list.

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Devices List 

The Devices screen is the default screen that shows the Belkin SOUNDFORM app when it is in use.  This screen will show all Belkin AUZ002 adapters you have connected to the WiFi.


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Each adapter has its own device tile, which contains basic settings such as the status of the speaker and volume control.  If audio is playing on the adapter, it will list the track that is playing.

Adapter Currently Playing Information

When the adapter is playing audio, you will see basic information on what is playing on the device tile.  Using the Belkin SOUNDFORM app, you can control the volume level and pause or play the audio of the adapter.  For more advanced controls with the Belkin AUZ002, you will need to use the Apple® Home app. 


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  • Adapter Name – This is the name of the currently chosen Belkin AUZ002 adapter.
  • Track and Artist Name – This refers to the name of the track and the artist of the currently playing track.
  • Volume – This controls the volume of the currently playing track.  This is separate from the volume level set on your audio equipment.
  • Pause/Play Control – This controls the audio being played.

Adapter Settings Menu

The menu will allow you to change the name of the adapter, view information about the adapter, set alarms, and adjust the audio sync of the adapter.  This option can be accessed from the Belkin SOUNDFORM app's Speaker List by tapping on the Settings (gear) icon of the adapter.

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