You can change the name and icon of your Wemo® device to suit your preference. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to do this using the Wemo app.
Before you begin, see to it that the Wemo device you want to edit is properly set up. For more information, click here.
NOTE: This article assumes that your iOS or Android™ device has the Wemo app installed. Otherwise, you can download it on the App Store or Google Play™.
iOS device
Step 1: Launch the Wemo
Step 2: Enter your credentials and tap Log In.
Step 3: Tap on Edit.
Step 4: Tap the arrow button beside the device's name to view its current settings.
NOTE: In this example, Wemo WiFi Smart Plug is selected.
Step 5: Tap on your device's name and enter your preferred name.
NOTE: In the example below, the name was changed to Dining Light.
Step 6: Once the name has been edited, tap the device icon and choose from the following options: Take Photo, Choose Existing Photo and Restore Default Icon.
Step 7: Tap Save once you're done.
You should now have successfully changed your Wemo device's name and icon using an iOS device.
Android™ device
Step 1: Launch the Wemo
Step 2: Enter your credentials and tap Log In.
Step 3: Tap Edit.
Step 4: Tap the arrow button beside the device's name to view its current settings.
Step 5: Tap on your device's name and enter your preferred name.
NOTE: In the example below, the name was changed to Dining Light.
Step 6: Once the name has been edited, tap the device icon and choose from the following options: Take a Picture, Choose a Photo from Gallery, Reset Photo.
Step 7: Tap Save once you're done.
You should now have successfully changed your Wemo device's name and icon using an Android device.
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