- Factory restoring the Wemo Doorbell requires you to remove it from its mount to press the reset button.
- Restoring the Wemo Doorbell will erase all settings and place it into a default factory state, ready to be set up again. It is not the same as rebooting.
- The reset button on the Wemo Doorbell is located on the back of the unit. You will need a Torx 6 security bit or screwdriver to unscrew the security screw on the bottom of the Wemo Doorbell to remove it from the mounting plate. A Torx 6 security screwdriver was included in the package of the Wemo Doorbell.
Step 1: Unscrew the security screw from the bottom of the Wemo Doorbell and remove it from the mounting bracket.
Step 2: Use a small object like a pen, paperclip or the Torx screwdriver tip to press and hold the reset button until the lights on the Wemo Doorbell turn red (about 10 to 15 seconds). Release the reset button once the lights turn red.
Step 3: Place the Wemo Doorbell back on the mounting bracket and screw the security screw back in place.
Once the factory restore is complete, your Wemo Doorbell will begin to turn blue on both the status light and the light bar to signify it is in setup mode.
NOTE: Performing a factory restore on your Wemo Doorbell will not remove it from your Apple Home app. You will need to manually remove the entry in your Home app. If you do not remove the entry and set up the Wemo Doorbell again to this home, two Wemo Doorbells will show in your list but only one will work.