How to change a light bulb

The Wemo Smart Dimmer with Thread, WDS070 features a power cut-OFF tab on the front part of the dimmer.  It is located below the brightness buttons and next to the reset button.  This tab is intended to be pushed in when the switch is in use and pulled out when changing a bulb.  Pulling the tab out will cut OFF the power flow through the Wemo Dimmer WDS070 to the lights.
NOTE:  It is recommended to use the power cut-OFF tab when replacing a light bulb to reduce the chance of damage to the Wemo Dimmer WDS070 and its bulbs, as well as any harm coming to the user replacing the bulb.

To do this, follow the steps below:

Step 1:  Turn OFF the lights connected to the Wemo Dimmer WDS070.

Step 2:  Gently pull out the power cut-OFF tab until it clicks.  It will move about ¼ of an inch.

Step 3:  Replace the light bulbs.

Step 4:  Once done, gently press the power cut-OFF tab back in all the way.

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