How to link your Belkin SOUNDFORM ELITE G1S0002 with Spotify Connect

Spotify® Connect is a feature of the Spotify media streaming service that allows you to listen to Spotify on speakers, televisions and other compatible devices using the Spotify app as a remote.  You can use either the Spotify desktop or web player on your computer or the Spotify app on your phone or tablet.
Step 1:
Make sure your device running the Spotify app or web player is connected to the same network as your Belkin SOUNDFORM™ ELITE Hi-Fi Smart Speaker + Wireless Charger, G1S0002.  This can be either through Wi-Fi or via ethernet connection.

Step 2:
Open the Spotify app or player.

Step 3:
Locate the Speaker icon on the player control bar, then tap or click on the icon to bring up the menu for available devices.
Desktop app
User-added image
Mobile app
User-added image
Step 4:
Select your Belkin SOUNDFORM ELITE G1S0002 to add it to your account.  This will also allow you to begin playing audio through the speaker.  In the examples below, Soundform_Elite B4AE is used.
Desktop app
User-added image
Mobile app
User-added image

You have successfully linked your Belkin SOUNDFORM ELITE G1S0002 to Spotify Connect.
Desktop app
User-added image
Mobile app
User-added image

Once you have successfully linked a speaker to your Spotify account, you can access and control it from any Wi-Fi or cellular network as long as you are logged in to your Spotify account and the speaker is powered ON and connected to Wi-Fi.

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