Belkin SOUNDFORM™ Move True Wireless Earbuds playing only on one ear


"I am having issues connecting or pairing the earbuds."


This can happen when pairing your Belkin SOUNDFORM™ Move True Wireless Earbuds for the first time.  This can be resolved through the following:

Rebooting your earbuds

Putting both earbuds inside the charging case and closing the lid for 5 seconds will cause them to disconnect from your Bluetooth® device and reboot.  Once you take them out of the case, both earbuds will turn ON and reconnect to your Bluetooth device.  The audio should now play from both earbuds.
User-added image
Factory resetting and pairing the earbuds again

If rebooting your earbuds does not work, you can try resetting them to their factory settings and pairing them again.  For instructions on how to factory restore your earbuds, click

Related Articles:

Unable to pair the Belkin SOUNDFORM™ Move True Wireless Earbuds out of the box
I can only pair one earbud to my phone or tablet

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