Connecting Samsung Smart TV to a wireless network

Samsung HDTV televisions offer world-class picture quality, design and energy efficiency.  This article will provide you with instructions on how to connect a Samsung Smart TV LED 5 series 32-46 inches to your wireless network, do the following steps:
NOTE:  Make sure you know the wireless settings of your router before connecting your device to the network.  To learn how to check the wireless settings of your router, click here

Step 1:
On your remote, press the MENU button.
Step 2:
Select Network > Network Settings.
Step 3:
Select Network type > Wireless.
Step 4:
Your Samsung Smart TV will then search for available wireless networks.  Select your wireless network name (SSID) from the list.
Step 5:
Enter your wireless network’s password or security key in the available field.
Step 6:
Select Done.
Step 7:
Your Samsung Smart TV will then try to connect to your wireless network.  Once successful, click OK.

Your Samsung Smart TV should now be connected to the wireless network.

Related Article:

How to resolve connectivity issues with your wireless TV

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