How to personalize the Holmes® Smart Heater using the Wemo® App

Personalizing the settings of your Holmes® Extra-Large Room Smart Heater with Wemo®F7C047 and Holmes® Large Room Smart Heater with Wemo®, F7C048 allows you to easily identify the device from your other Wemo devices.  This is helpful as well especially if you have multiple Holmes Smart Heaters installed.  

Step 1:  Open the User-added image App.

Step 2:  
Tap the pencil icon across the top-right side of the screen.
User-added image

Step 3:  Tap the arrow icon beside the heater.
User-added image

Step 4:  You may tap the Holmes Smart Heater's image if you would like to upload a picture for the heater.
User-added image
 It will give you options such as to take a picture of the heater, or choose a picture from your gallery.  
User-added image
Step 5:  Once you have selected an image, tap Done and then, tap Save to apply the changes.  Otherwise, tap Cancel.

Step 6:  You can also tap on the heater's name to change the name for the device.  Tap Save to apply the changes.  Otherwise, tap Cancel.

User-added image

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