Getting the 'Unable to Beam’ error message when using MediaPlay

There could be a couple of reasons why you're receiving the 'Unable to Beam' error message. It could be that the file format of the content you are trying to beam isn't supported by the player you're using or your streaming device isn't connected to the same network as the player you're beaming to.

Follow the steps below to verify which network your streaming device is connected to.

Android 2.x
Android 4.x


Step 1:
On your iOS device's main menu, click Settings.



If you are connected to a Wi-Fi network, the wireless network name will be displayed beside Wi-Fi.


If you are not connected to a wireless network yet, slide the Wi-Fi button to connect. Then select the wireless network that your player is connected to.




Step 2:
Select the wireless network that your player is connected to.



Android 2.x


Step 1:
Click Settings on your Android device's main menu.



Step 2:
Select Wireless & Networks.



Step 3:
Click Wi-Fi Settings.



The wireless network you are currently connected to will be displayed.


If you are not connected to a wireless network yet, select the wireless network that your player is connected to.


Android 4.x

Step 1:
Click Settings on your Android device's main menu.



Step 2:
Click Wi-Fi.




The wireless network you are currently connected to will be displayed.


If you are not connected to a wireless network yet, select the wireless network that your player is connected to.

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