Using the Steps Recorder Feature in a Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 computer

Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 have an application called the Steps Recorder that allows you to document all of the possible actions that you have done in your Windows computer.

When should I use the Steps Recorder?
How do I open the Steps Recorder?
Before starting
Using the Steps Recorder Feature
  • If you want to show a set of step-by-step instructions in working around with your computer to a family member or a friend.
  • If you want a detailed documentation of the problems that you have encountered while using your computer.
  • If you have a hard time describing a specific problem that took place on your computer to a tech support agent.

Press the Windows User-added image key on your keyboard to access the Start screen.  Enter “steps” on your keyboard until a search result appears under the Apps list.  Select Steps Recorder to open the application.
QUICK TIP:  The Search field will automatically appear once you enter in any character from your keyboard.
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NOTE:  For touch-enabled computers, swipe from the right side of the screen to reveal the Charms bar with the system commands.
The Steps Recorder would appear at the top of your screen.
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It is important to take note of the functionalities found on the Steps Recorder application before you start using it:
  • User-added image Start Record – Click this button to enable recording.
  • User-added image Stop Record – Click this to stop recording.
  • User-added image Add Comment – Click this to add text during recording.
  • User-added image Help – Click this for additional information about the Steps Recorder.
It is also recommended to double-check the settings of the Steps Recorder to ensure that they fit your preferences. 
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  • Output File – allows you to choose the specific destination where you can save the recorded file.  When you set a default output file, you won’t be able to have a preview of the recording.  The default output file should also be in .zip format.
  • Enable Screen Capture – click Yes to allow screen captures during recording.  This option is enabled by default.  If you have personal information that might be captured while recording, select No.
  • Number of recent screen captures to store – sets the number of screen captures that can be included in the recording.  You may set a higher number if you are doing a lengthy documentation. 
QUICK TIP:  Click on the Help me with these settings link for additional assistance.
Here are some additional reminders regarding the Steps Recorder feature:
  • The application will not be able to include anything that you type in during the recording.  Thus, it is important to add comments to emphasize your instructions.
  • If your recording involves applications like a full-screen game, there are chances that all the necessary parts that you need will not be properly documented.
  • If you are using two (2) monitors, both of them will be captured during the recording.  However, it is recommended to use one monitor while documenting the steps.
Scenario:  You want to show to your mother how to look for the IP address of your computer.
Step 1:
Open the Steps Recorder application.  Click Start Record.
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IMPORTANT:  Once you click Start Record, all of your actions will be recorded, so make sure that you do not have other unnecessary activities aside from the steps that you need to perform.  You can also pause the recording by clicking on the Pause Record button.
Step 2: 
To add a comment in your steps, click the Add Comment button.  A Highlight Area and Comment window will appear.  Before adding the comment, click and drag on the section that you want to highlight.
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NOTE:  In this example, the IPv4 Address section was highlighted.
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Step 3: 
Click Stop Record once you are finished.
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A window will appear where you can review the whole recording.  Scroll down to view the list of actions that you have performed as well the user comments that have been added.  These are some options that you can choose from the documentation:
  • Review the recorded steps
  • Review the recorded steps as a slideshow
  • Review the additional details
NOTE:  The preview window will only appear if you have not set an Output file in the Settings section.
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Step 4:
Click the Save button to save the recording.  Your file will be saved in a .zip format.  Choose to save the file in a location that is accessible like the Desktop.
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To view the recording some other time, open the .mht file saved on the zipped folder.  The recording will be opened in a web browser.
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