Updating the Crock-Pot® Smart Slow Cooker with WeMo®, F7C045 timer and temperature settings mid cook cycle

Updating the Crock-Pot® Smart Slow Cooker with WeMo®F7C045​ timer and temperature settings while in mid cook cycle might be necessary, especially if you miscalculated the cook time for the recipe or if you won’t be arriving at home on time.

Follow the steps below if you want to modify the timer and temperature settings while the Crock-Pot is cooking.

Step 1:  Open the Wemo App.

Step 2:  Tap the down arrow on the Crock-Pot.

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Step 3:  Tap Modify.  
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Step 4:  Tap Temperature You have the option to set the temperature level to High, Low or Warm.
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Step 5:  Tap Cook Timer to reset the time (in hours and minutes). 

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Step 6:  Tap Start.  
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Step 7:  Tap Start again to confirm; otherwise tap Cancel.

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Your Crock-Pot’s temperature and timer settings should now be updated.

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NOTE:  If the Wemo App and the slow cooker get out of sync, the system should revert to the state of your last request.

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