How MAPT works

This article will provide information on how the MAC Address Pass Through (MAPT) works.
1. The app reads the MAC address of the laptop's network interface controllers (NICs). It will attempt to read the MAC address of the ethernet NIC first if one is in the laptop, if the ethernet NIC doesn't exist on the laptop then it will read the WiFi NIC. The app then stores the MAC address of the laptop as the primary NIC in the window’s registry. This will be used by the app for MAPT.
2. When you plug in the adapter or dock with ethernet into the laptop, the app will read the Device ID of the adapter/dock and store the value in the Windows® registry.
3. When you enable MAPT, the app does the following things in this order.
a. Disable the primary NIC or NICs (ethernet or WiFi of the computer).
b. Copy the MAC address of the primary NIC from the registry into the driver setting of the adapter or dock.
c. Resets the target dock or adapter to change the MAC address.
Display the current MAC address of the adapter or dock in the app.
4. Disabling MAPT on the app will just revert the MAC address of the adapter or dock back to its default MAC in the network driver setting and re-enable the primary NIC.

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